Our "confined bunnies" and "solidarity bunnies" have created a buzz around the world
press review of a funny, united and ... improbable story
(A little exhausting, too ... but hey ... it was really just happiness)
[a Surrealist adventure]
our Lapinous Lonzinois were sold for the benefit of medical staff and now they made an improbable buzz in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, with articles as far as Turkey, the USA, Taiwan, Arabia , in Korea and ... Indonesia !
A short tour of a press which got carried away and spoke with enthusiasm about our history of Solidarity Lapinous Lonzinois.
Germany (DW)
German Télévision (english)
National belgian TV News
Local TV
Spain (EFE)
Spanish TV (spanish)
Written press
The story of our 2 masked Bunnies
As a reminder, during the 1st confinement, "Confined Bunnies" and "Solidarity Bunnies" were both sold by Geneviève to offer equipment to front-line staff of the Namur Hospital Network. The difference between the two ? Lapinou Confined was for you or your friends, while the Lapinou Solidaire, you could offer it directly to the medical staff. Geneviève then grouped the orders, delivered, and took a photo to share it with all of you! Masked Bunnies has become our mascot and it is still available on the store www.cocoatree.shop !
Almost 1,000 Masked Bunnies sold in all!
Atch'a Azteka : press review
Like our Masked Bunnies last year, here is Lonzée's chocolate vaccine also making its little round-the-world media tour: from Iran to Greece, via Indonesia, Romania or the USA, the need to vaccinate populations against gloom is visibly universal! A special thank you to Good-4you and Hcom for their precious support in these adventures so improbable for a chocolate maker;)SIAP Grak (indonésie)
"Sebuah perusahaan cokelat Belgia yang memasang masker putih pada kelinci Paskah setahun yang lalu kini..."naftenporiki (grèce)
"Μια βελγική εταιρεία σοκολάτας που πέρυσι έβαλε λευκές μάσκες στα λαγουδάκια του Πάσχα, τώρα παράγει μεγάλες..."yahoo news (world)
"Cocoatree, based mostly in Lonzee, a village about 45 kilometres (30 miles) south of Brussels, has dubbed its chocolate syringes “L’Atch’a Azteka”..."la vidéo a été reprise par... 33 téléVisions (source Reuters)
Stiripesurse (roumanie)
"O companie belgiană de ciocolată care a pus măști albe pe iepurașii de Paște acum un an de zile, produce acum seringi mari de ciocolată, încercând să țină ..."the peninsula (Qatar)
"Belgian artisan chocolate maker Genevieve Trepant shows a chocolate bunny wearing a protective mask and holding a vaccine syringe called "L'Atch'a Azteka"...amrapalibytribé (inde)
investing (royaume uni)
malaymail (malaisie)
TrtWorld (worldwide)
the tribune (inde)
metro us (usa)
cbs miami (usa)
nasdaQ (worldwide)
industan time (inde)
union leader (new hampshire - usa)
newsbreak (usa)
prm (ukraine)
DNyuz (USA)
South Florida (usa)
Videos Atch'a Azteka
DW News
Belgian National TV
(Source Reuters)
[thanks to all !!]
A (beautiful) solidarity adventure that started in all directions, with Bunnies orders to offer to medical staff who came to us from the Netherlands and even ... from the United States.
Thank you for your generosity !
special thanks to our haert's partners !
Thank you for the packaging offered at "cost price" to allow us to offer a better margin to the King Baudouin Foundation. From packaging to the most urgent deliveries, Hugues was there. Like so many other villagers of Lonzée, moreover. So thank you for the gracious help during the hottest hours of this adventure. And despite the crisis.
Lionel was already helping to set up the Eshop Cocoatree in an emergency. When Lapinou's first requests arrived, he accompanied me in setting up the concept of our "Confined Lapinou" and "Solidarity Lapinou". He also took charge of all the com 'and the media, from the press kit to the numerous calls from journalists. Big thanks!
On our side since ... uh ... since the beginnings of Cocoatree. Olivier is a faithful among our faithful, a recognized and valuable expert in communication and Social Networks. And there too, by an improbable post on our Facebook page, it was he who set fire to the (pretty) powders. Thank you for this gesture. Thanks for the expertise. Thank you for the loyalty.
A question ?
Don't be afraid to contact us by phone or via the form below
124, rue de l'Église
5030 LonzéeCommandez en ligne et venez retirer le lendemain à l'atelier (sur demande, je peux aussi vous livrer le vendredi en fin de journée)0472/31.19.04.
© Cocoatree
124, rue de l'Église - 5030 Lonzée